Monday, 7 December 2015

The word of the day: Easy

It’s been four months now since I decided to try my hand at triathlon. At the very beginning it was my enthusiasm that was waking me up for my early morning workouts and my determination that was giving me the boost for the evening ones. I was surprised by the fact that the more I was training the more energy I had during the day. I couldn’t believe I was able to do all those workouts without getting tired. After the sixth week of (for me) hard trainings, my exhaustion finally arrived. It was the first wall I hit, but with the support of my coach and my friends, with YOUR support, I managed to get up quickly and continue. It was the same scene like the one when I was running in Belgrade, by Sava river and I tripped over a rock I didn’t see because I was too busy dreaming the dreams I’m living now. First thing I did was stopping my Garmin. Then I got up, had a look at my bloody knee and hands and continued the training.

Off season

As I think I have already told you, Dejan decided to halve my trainings. I had just 6 hours of trainings per week. It was ok with me for the first period, but then I started to feel the lack of workouts. As he didn’t want to increase them, I did it myself. In the meanwhile, I was taking tot'hema ampoules twice a day (I still do), so I managed to recover from the anaemia I was diagnosed with for the umpteenth time! I hope it will come the day I will have that problem no more. Until then,… I will complain and live my life normally, as I have done up until this moment.

Dejan decided to meet my needs, so, in December I will be training approximately 8,5h per week. I saw I could swim 2K, I could ride a bike 125K and run a Half Marathon within 2h. Now I have to slow down and concentrate on my plan, EASY trainings and technique.

How is it going?

I am often asked how my trainings are going. The answer is-great! I have never felt better! I don’t recall I was ever as active as I am now for such a long period of time! Maybe there was a time when I trained more, but I was never so constant.

A few days ago, a friend of mine confused me by asking me how many kilometres I can swim/cycle/run now, after 4 months of trainings. Well, the distance is always the same. I usually swim 1,5K, cycle 37-80K, run 7-15K. So, what is the result of all these hard work? I improved my technique, I lowered my heart-rate, I got more disciplined, I built endurance and I manage to recover in no time for the next workout.

I gained weight. The relationship between me and the weight scale doesn’t flourish in this period. And no, it’s not about the muscles that are heavier. It’s fat. As I like to say, the problem is that I am too good behind the stoves ;) 

Building the base

It’s been four months now, yes, but triathlon and I are still flirting. We are still getting to know each other. Pedro and I get along, but we still have miles ahead of us until we get completely familiar one with another. The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long (Lao Tzu). I don’t want to lose my passion, I don’t want my love to fade away. I want it to be a never ending story, a love that grows day by day. I think I just gave myself the answer. I have to build my base brick by brick. I hope that won’t be a problem, since I have never lacked for patience.

The misunderstanding comes when “Easy” appears. That word doesn’t exist in my vocabulary. I have to learn how to control myself without leapfrogging the stages. Building the base is a key for success. The off-season period is great for working on endurance, technique, muscles, balance, new habits. I’ll try to be a good girl and do as I am supposed to. There will be plenty of time for pain and tears. Now it’s time for LSD.


September  2016 Pula ;)